‘Inner Peace’

‘What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow. Our life is the creation of our mind.’ Buddha

We live in challenging times.

The state of humanity is down to the state of its thinking

You can decide to stop being affected by the outside world and instead to affect the world around with your peace.

So silence the mind to inner peaceful contemplation, because the quieter you become the more you can hear.

Silence isn’t empty. It’s full of answers.

‘Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.’ - Rumi

With a still mind, we can more easily notice and listen to our intuition.

The universal energy/divine power which our soul is connected to, speaks to us via our soul when we are of a silent mind.

‘Find you inner peace and heal your soul.’ - Deepak Chopra.

Life is mirroring back to you what you are feeling inside.

To have inner peace, you will need to be willing to open your heart.

Creating inner peace means acting rather than reacting.

It is a stance, an attitude; it is an energy you send flowing outward into the world.

‘Whenever you achieve inner peace, you link with all those beings that are living in and creating this higher energy flow.’ - Deepak Chopra

It means you can connect with the universe at your higher soul levels which allows a higher flow of energy of creativity, peace and light.

Take one thing in your life that you would like to feel peace about,

something that possibly you have been reacting to and make a mental image of releasing, forgiving and letting go, finding inner peace with this issue……  

From that space, you will see the world you experience reflecting it.

If you maintain this centre of peace, you will change those events that used to disturb and upset you carried out in the world you experience - yay!

‘Forgiveness is necessary for inner peace.’ - Marianne Williamson

The practice of inner peace allows you to get access to your deeper self and opens your mind to better ideas, better decision making, improves concentration and nurtures courage and resilience in the face of any setbacks and puts you in a more positive frame of mind.

When you quieten the mind you can access the good stuff and nurture your intuitive right brain and build a new habit that has many proven benefits that gets easier with practice.

Busy thinking subsides when we quieten the mind and then new thought becomes available.

Creativity really does expand with solitude. 

Each and every one of us is connected to that universal energy which guides us, if we are willing to be quiet and open our heart.

In this fast-paced, over technicalised world practising inner peace is my little oasis in the day where I can release any stress. 

Stress is debilitating as it inhibits the free flow of energy and information throughout the body. The more stress is accumulated the less efficient are our bodies and minds.

I do feel much calmer and I'm able to make decisions from my true nature rather than an ego reaction when I’m aware of taking a time to find stillness in my day.

It's taken me a while to harness its powers. I started out with a few minutes, concentrating on my breath, and progressed from there - I just call it ‘taking a break to rest my mind’. 

Stillness is the way to achieve 'letting go' - it calms the chatter in your mind and gives stillness and clarity, so over a period of time, the beauty of life becomes more apparent and amplified.

Inner peace helps release our hold on certain patterns of thought. 

Releasing resistance is probably the most important of all the processes because resistance to change and new experiences stops the manifesting of our desires in their tracks.

To access creativity, rest more.

Try less.

Relax into better thoughts - inner peace comes from within, not from without.

‘Inner peace begins with a smile’ - Mother Teresa

If you listen to your inner voice it will guide you. We need to give time to being human. We need to understand how our thoughts can affect our behaviour and ultimately our health.

So carve out more time for yourself – then you can help others because you will be fully replenished and aligned with what you want to achieve.

‘If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.’ - Marvin Gaye

Replenish. Replenish. Replenish. Otherwise you will have nothing to give. 

It’s all about stopping and smelling the roses.

What a gift it is to have a human life.

We get to experience this planet for such a brief while.

Life isn’t a race. It’s about enjoying each and every moment and being in the moment and living life fully - even in these challenging times there is always something to be grateful for. 

Here are a few suggestions that you may find helpful:

1. Go outside and appreciate this planet of ours. I exercise and find serenity for @40 minutes in Hyde Park amongst nature and peace and I’ve found that incredibly healing. I look upward and outward and acknowledge that a higher universal energy is looking right at me, supporting me, assisting me, helping me, showing me and looking after me and guiding me in whatever I want to achieve that day. I call it my daily check-in with a higher power and, yes, it works! The more you believe the more likely it is to work for you too.

2. Sleep is a form of meditation, so take a nap and get a good night’s sleep and pay attention to insights that may come to you. When you are asleep so is your ego, making it much easier for divine messages to reach you. For optimal sleep, feng shui your bedroom – you don’t sleep well surrounded by clutter. Spray lavender mist on your pillows and put some beautiful flowers or flower in a vase by your bedside……

3. Also, pay attention to your body’s signals which may call for changes in your diet, lifestyle and exercise program if you still feel tired and drained after resting. Detox from any energy-depleting substances and eat nutritious food and drink plenty of water for energy.

4. Your greatest adversities are given to you to open doors to your greatest successes... especially when you seem to have no choice but to handle the matter directly. Keep going and call upon the deep well of strength within you so you can draw it upward to serve you – like a tree drinking water through its roots. Uncertainty and not knowing how a situation will unfold is an opportunity to build a relationship of trust with the Universe – you can do this through meditation or just sit quietly and breathe. Always worth remembering if you’re going through a tough time... your mind can be your best friend.

Remember, you’ve been training for this for lifetimes to build your resilience muscle to live, laugh and to learn how to love ourselves and one another for the strange, messy and magical creatures we are. 

‘Peace does not dwell in outward things, but within the soul.’ - Francois Fenelon

Inner peace is a connection to your deeper self and it will assist you in letting go of any challenges, problems and fear.

Because dreams don’t work unless you do.

Have a wonderful and peaceful month ahead.


‘I will cut adrift - I will sit on pavements and drink coffee - I will dream, I will take my mind out of its iron cage and let it swim - this fine October.’ - Virginia Woolf

PS  Apologies for the delay in publishing this current blog and thank you for your patience!