Supercharge Your Energy To Its Highest Vibration To The Universe

'Everything in Life is Vibration' - Albert Einstein

Once I understood that the universe is immaterial - it is mental and spiritual and the entire material world is nothing but vibration - I understood the importance of keeping my own vibrational levels high. When you have the right vibration you supercharge your ability to manifest.

There is no solidity in the universe. All life vibrates. Everything in nature vibrates at different frequencies. All colours and sounds vibrate to a frequency. Mind, Body and Spirit are all vibrating to the Universal energy field. So you can raise your vibration and frequency to create what you want - from good health to abundance in all things. Socrates knew this way back when - he believed that the universe was made up of pure energy which was there before earth and man came along.

The entire material world is nothing but vibration - the eternal dance of the countless vibrations within every atom in your body. We are made up of atoms and atoms emit waves of electrical energy that vibrate at our own frequency.

Everything is made up of atoms. Everything that manifests in your life is there because it matches the vibration from your thoughts. It's been scientifically proven that our bodies are more influenced by our vibrational energy and thoughts than by DNA.

So examine your beliefs - you can send a faulty vibration out to the universe through faulty subconscious thinking. Challenge your thinking by getting to know yourself better. By choosing to think new thoughts you can change your reality. In the quantum worldview the observer is calling the shots - so make sure you are consciously creating what you want. Learn to harness the energetic power of your subconscious. Your life is reflected back to you by your vibrational thinking. The subconscious merely reflects your beliefs. Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality.

Modern culture teaches us that life is difficult and stressful, but the ultimate demonstration of quantum law is that we can create a positive future that we have lived in our mind because vibrational thoughts matter and they become matter. So clear your resistance. Ask the Universe to help you - and listen to what comes into your mind - usually best just before you fall asleep.

Speak the language the Universe speaks - energetic vibration. The energy of your thoughts creates your reality. So become conscious of your thoughts. Everything you say, think or feel becomes your reality. So if you have a negative thought just tell it to go away. It's that easy. The lower your vibration, the more likely you are to attract circumstances to you that mirror this and the higher your vibration the more good you attract and doors just open to all the positive stuff!

If you work too hard you make yourself stressed and unhappy which attracts the wrong vibration and understanding of the universe. Become the person who attracts what they want and connect to that energy field. Say/show the universe what you want.

Like energy attracts like energy - that's physics. Struggling for abundance does not work. How to raise your vibration? Recognise the energetic power of you and what it offers the world. It's all about vibrational alignment, frequency and harmony. The vibration of your thoughts create your life so I list below some ideas that have helped me supercharge my energy to it's highest vibration - you then get a deeper, better connection with the universe:

1) Exercise - move your body - the human body is made to move. Walk, run, skip, jump, play sport, whatever makes you happy - this will uplift your body's vibrational frequency and you'll sleep better too - a vital part of making life grand. People who exercise regularly are fitter and leaner and always have that look of a winner - a spiritual warrior. Also learn about body language and consciously change yours - your thoughts will then reflect this - this will help in life and business.

2) Sing and dance - even if it's just around the kitchen. Whatever makes you happy. Listening to great music and dancing is so uplifting.

3) See people you love frequently - tell them so and give them a good hug. It all helps to spread the good vibrational love. Being kind and generous to other people puts you in a high vibration.

4) Do things you love that raise your vibration - go to the theatre, cinema, opera, ballet, exhibitions and interesting talks about things that interest you. Travel - short or long haul - it doesn't matter as long as you are enjoying yourself! Go to interesting places - learn about another culture - open your horizons to bigger picture thinking, even if it's only to a local exhibition. Imagine you could travel to the future. What would you be doing?

5) Wear clothes and colours that uplift you and make you feel good. My red lipstick always makes me feel good - in fact I'm rarely without it! If you look good - you feel good and that increases your vibrational attraction.

6) Make your house wonderful to come home to - flowers, warmth, fresh, clean, uplifting decor and colours. Walls have ears and respond to the vibrational energy of the owner of a home. This is so true and has applied to every home I have ever bought - you feel a good vibration immediately you walk in the front door. The reverse is true too - always worth remembering when trying to sell your house!

7) Having gratitude raises your vibrational frequency because it makes you aware of all the things you love and how abundant you really are. Remember to keep writing that list and adding to it.

8) All foods have a vibrational energy so eat wonderful healthy primal foods  that nourish every cell in your body. Cut out the processed foods if you can - they've proven not to be good for you and they are made to be addictive and have a low vibrational energy.

9) Drink water. It is an energetic life force that cleanses and hydrates your body. We are made up of about 70% water - so we need plenty of it to flush out toxins and keep our vibrational energy levels up.

10) Have frequent quiet time - meditate if you can or even if it's just 30 mins with a good book and a cup of tea by the fire - it will keep you aware of the importance of solitude and quietening the mind. Or even a nap if you prefer - sleep is a form of meditation - whatever works for you and makes you happy!

Remember the Universal Life Energy describes your total well-being - may the force be with you!

'I think in metaphysical terms, I would call that increasing the speed of the vibration of life' - Neale Donald Walsch

Ode to Love (or my father)

'To a father growing old, nothing is dearer than a daughter.' - Euripides

We went to Wells Cathedral in Somerset to visit my father recently whom my sister and I buried there in the summer of 2011. The photos show how glorious the cathedral is and no it wasn't a sad occasion at all - it was just great to be near him again and wish him love. A funny coincidence, which he would of adored, is that he is buried with his beautiful dog, a Great Dane called Daisy, that I had bought for him when he first moved to Somerset - and the cathedral garden where he is buried is now just covered in daisies! I like to think it was nature's homage to my father and Daisy!

It was such a joy walking through the grounds of the cathedral again and it just made me realise how my father had manifested exactly where he wanted to be buried and it had happened for him in such a glorious way. The service was memorable and profound - he would have been proud. I have to say I think Wells Cathedral is even more beautiful than Westminster Abbey - clever father or what? Jeffrey Archer was so impressed that my father is buried at Wells Cathedral - he said so few get that privilege - I said he had manifested his wishes with positive thinking. It gives me great comfort to know he is buried in such a beautiful place and a good excuse to keep visiting him because he planned it that way.

It got me thinking about how great my father was at naturally attracting the good stuff to himself. I don't think the idea of positive thinking existed when he was a young man - but he certainly naturally had the gift of the gab! Passed down by his French mother perhaps, my grandmother - who always wanted the best for her family!

My father would often say 'I just want you to be happy darling' - and you know something, I was. That to me is a great gift. There were no demands made on my academic achievements other than the demands I put on myself. And you know I worked hard because I was happy in all the subjects I studied as a teenager, from all the arts, art to art history, history, english language and english literature, geography (I've always loved maps and travel because of my father who travelled the world and just made me feel happy and confident about travel too), French, tennis and swimming!

Don't get me wrong - I wasn't a perfect child by any means - but I adored both my parents and I think looking back because I new they loved me, I wanted them to be proud of me too. So you see again, it all comes down to love. I think if a child is loved and they know they are loved they will always be happy. It is a fundamental knowing that sustains you for the rest of your life - whatever happens. I wish and hope that every child could have that kind of foundation of love - the world would know peace. He has naturally shown me to expect the best and there is no greater gift to a child than to be happy, optimistic and expect the best - because what you believe is what you get. How you perceive things is how they will show up for you. He was kind and compassionate and generous which I believe helped attract the good to him and he also showed me that discipline sets you free!

Ode to love
Ode to love

I list below a few of the stories I love and remember him for:

Allowing me to go to my first May Ball at Trinity College Cambridge at the age of 15 years, the night before my first mock O-Level as long as I had done all my revison work - which I had - and I passed with flying colours!

My father getting pissed with the actor Terry Thomas in a bar in Ibiza and disappeared for a few hours coming back giggling away at all the jokes he'd heard and dancing in a kaftan to Stevie Wonder in a Ibiza nightclub.

Rescuing me and not berating me for being arrested for drinking champagne and being in a nightclub in Ibiza town at the age of 14 years. In fact my parents dined out on that story for many years and thought it very funny! I was innocent of course.........

Putting ribbons in my father's hair whilst he was watching Match of the Day on tv and nearly wetting myself with laughter at how funny he looked AND he'd leave them in for the rest of the day as if nothing had happened - what a sport - which made us all laugh even more!

Cooking a proper dinner party for me and my 2 bestest friends on my 13th birthday because my mother had rushed away to look after her unwell mother - our beloved grandma - and he didn't want it to spoil my birthday plans so he became the chef and maitre d' - prawn cocktail then lamb chops, peas and new potatoes - it was delicious! Thank you my darling Pa!

The stories he'd regale as a young man dancing with Brigitte Bardot on the dance floor at the Villa d'Este in Italy - he loved beautiful women. His adventures as a young man in Kenya, Fiji, New York, Canada, Australia, Paris, Rome, etc - he'd travelled everywhere! He'd always come back with these amazing photographs and presents and we'd have slide shows on his return - such fun - and it opened my eyes as a small kid to a whole fantastic world out there!! He always made travel fun!

I remember how when I'd have lunch with him at Scott's in Mount Street or The Rib Room which was then at The Carlton Tower in Knightsbridge he was great at getting late tables and charming the mâitre d'. He would always say to me 'walk in looking like you own the place' - as a teenager that wasn't easy - but the notion stuck with me and you know he was right. Not in an arrogant way but with confidence. He consciously created a good life for himself and his family and you know I saw that in practice as a child and it works! He showed my sister and I the good life with values and it stuck!

Here are the 12 most important life lessons I learnt from him and I know they work:

1) Be friends with people because you love them - nothing more. He thought the human relationship the most important in life.

2) Simplify - don't give too much attachment to possessions - less is more. (please see my Simplicity blog....)

3) Restore your soul in nature - he loved his garden and was so proud of it with all the flowers, beautiful hedgerows, singing birds. It brought him great joy to be in nature and that was a lifelong habit.

4) He was artistic and loved to draw and do photography and had lovely hand writing. He thought drawing teaches you not just to look but to see and that nourished him.

5) He was tall, slim and fit until the day he died - he was naturally athletic and understood that looking after yourself does not convey or cover-up any deficiency. It's smart to care and always look your best - it instills confidence in you and others. He was a great tennis player and a member of the MCC most of his life.

6) He relaxed very easily and would often have an afternoon nap. He was always good at taking naps - Arianna would have been proud! He thought it very important to rest so you're energised for the next adventure!

7) He never got angry - he thought anger was futile and only attracted more anger into your life. Gratitude and forgiveness were his bedrock.

8) He knew how to have fun - always generous and 'a glass of champagne darling?' When I was a student in Florence he flew out for a  week-end and took my whole class out for supper. Mind you he'd flown out because I'd told him that my male Italian Professor was taking me to Switzerland for the week-end............he was out on the next plane!

My friends loved him - Cambridge May balls, cocktail parties on the lawns by the river - joining me to see my current boyfriend in his Footlights show. My school friends adored him too. He always new how to make things fun and so he attracted it!

9) He thought wealth was a mind game - once you understood that and finding harmony within yourself - you become rich. He was a successful businessman but work never consumed him.........he provided a beautiful home for his family, a great education for his daughters, foreign holidays, etc., but work was kept in perspective. He understood what was important.

10) He loved history - he thought it was very important to know where we came from and our heritage. He loved reading about history.

11) He loved music from The Rolling Stones to Chopin - he found music inspiring and got the imagination and creative juices flowing.

12) He knew that discipline sets you free - always neat, tidy, clean and organized. Even after his death with finances and providing for his family - all the paperwork was organised and calm. Again he was right.

It sounds like my father was perfect and he wasn't, but I've understood since his death what he passed onto me and how he truly understood about the meaning of life. I'd like to think he'd chuckle at this blog of mine - but you know I love and miss him everyday and I think he'd be proud to know I did. What better legacy can a father leave?

'Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting'Holy shit......what a ride!" - Hunter S Thompson

Out of Africa

'Nature's intelligence functions with effortless ease........with carefreeness, harmony and love.

And when we harness the forces of harmony, joy and love, we create success and good fortune with effortless ease'                                                        

         ~   Deepak Chopra

Christmas 2013 Africa
Christmas 2013 Africa

I have spent 3 weeks with friends I love in Africa for the Christmas and New Year holiday. I cannot think of a better way to start the new year of 2014! We were staying with the Zwager family (see my Serendipity blog) for some of the time in the timeless paradise of the Djinn Palace by Lake Naivasha - a white morocan palace with gardens and an animal sanctuary to match - living a life in partnership with nature. From early morning to early evening game drives to swimming and reading by the pool. The sun shone most days but because of the altitude, mornings and evenings were cool, so wonderful log fires were crackling away by 6pm in the palace.

It truly is a paradise on earth. Spiritually enriching where you float with the slow dreamy rhythms of an African day. It reminded me of a mindful quote by Deepak Chopra who says, "If you observe nature at work, you will see that least effort is expended. Grass doesn't try to grow, it just grows. Fish don't try to swim, they just swim. Flowers don't try to bloom, they bloom. Birds don't try to fly, they fly. This is their intrinsic nature.................It is the nature of the sun to shine. It is the nature of the stars to glitter and sparkle. And it is human nature to make our dreams manifest into physical form, easily and effortlessly." This is how I manifested my dream to be in Kenya again.

I've always believed that holidays are an essential part of making life great; they allow you to feel inspired, heighten your senses, sleep better, be more productive, put your values into perspective and appreciate the wonderful life you have back in London! Never underestimate the power of smart, positive thinking - a great holiday enhances this!

We flew to Manda Island for the Christmas and New Year celebrations - living another sort of paradise with nature by the sea. Manda Island is an island opposite Lamu in the Indian Ocean - the next islands along are the Seychelles. The Zwager family own a large part of the island that is just so private and beautiful. You go to sleep with the sounds of the Indian Ocean lapping on the shore. The dawn chorus that awakens you is quite exceptional and to have breakfast on the terrace amongst the birds and monkeys flying through the trees is just heavenly. From Dottie the Jack Russell waking me up with a large pot of tea to having a swim in Juni's beautiful pool - it is sheer paradise. The great golden sun rises in a cloudless sky at 6am and by 7pm - there is no twilight in the tropics - it would be completely dark apart from the twinkling stars. However the early morning light is exceptional - mother nature is the best dop (director of photography) - the light is as beautiful as found in Provence, France, but different.

I believe buildings only exist because of humans, so they should be nurturing, emotional places - Juni Zwager manages to evoke that feeling in all her houses which she personally designs and builds with her team of crafts people. Her staff are wonderful, loyal people who have been with the family for many years and trained to a very high standard.  This has to be one of the best places in the world!!

Thank you Juni - we love you and we had a ball!


PS  By the way, everywhere we went from meeting old friends to new friends - they all said the same when I said I lived in London. Everyone, but everyone, including Sandro Rosell - the chairman of the FC Barcelona - all said how London is the most exciting city in the world and beats New York many times over and how lucky we were to live there!!! From the culture, to property powerhouse, to financial clout to food to comedy to liveability - they all agreed London has it all!! Yes.........I've been saying this for years.........finally it's filtered through - it is the best city to live by far and isn't it great most nationalities finally agree!!!!

'Joy is not in things; it is in us'   ~  Richard Wagner